However, adoption of the above-mentioned measures shall not hinder the lawful business activities, production and operation of the auditees. 采取该项措施不得影响被审计单位合法的业务活动和生产经营活动。
Ours is a lawful operation. 我们是合法经营的。
Article 17 The State shall protect the lawful properties of peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations from violation. 第十七条国家保护农民和农业生产经营组织的合法财产不受侵犯。
A franchisee may gain reasonable benefits through lawful operation and shall bear corresponding business risks. 特许经营者通过合法经营取得合理回报并承担相应经营风险。
Lawful business operation certificate for investors after approval and certification; 经公证、认证的投资者的合法开业证明;
Private enterprise owners in socialist society are the positive builder of our socialism with Chinese characteristics. They have made contributions on develop socialist productivity and other causes in their honest work and lawful operation. 社会主义条件下的私营企业主是中国特色社会主义伟大事业的积极建设者,他们通过诚实劳动、辛勤工作、合法经营,为发展社会主义的生产力和其他建设事业作出了贡献。
The 3 factors including the technical barrier formed by the gas transmission techniques, the lawful barrier caused by the licensed operation right, and the singleness of the gas pipelines decide the inherent monopoly property of gas industry. 天然气输配技术所形成的技术性壁垒、特许经营权构成的法律壁垒和天然气输配管道的单一性3个因素共同决定了天然气产业中下游领域的自然垄断性。
Therefore, researching on Reengineering Process of Customs handbook import and export is real meaningful to lawful operation, improvement of Customs Clearance and reduction of logistics cost. 所以研究出口型加工贸易企业海关手册进出口流程再造问题,对于企业合法经营、提高通关效率、节约物流成本具有重要的现实意义。
How to avoid these legal risks, ensure lawful planning, standardized operation and success and to achieve economic and social benefits double harvest, these issues are very important and realistic. 怎样规避这些法律风险,保证大型赛事依法策划、规范运行和成功举办并实现经济效益和社会效益双丰收,这些问题显然是极具现实的。
And judicial review right is the core of modern judicial right. Under the decentralization of constitutional system, it can restrict the abuse of administrative discretion rights to certain extent, also should refrain itself from interfering lawful operation of administrative power. 而司法审查权也是现代司法权的核心所在,在分权的宪政体制下,它可以在一定程度上制约行政裁量权的滥用,同时也要克制自身不能干预行政权的合法运作。
Led directly to the microcredit lending right without legislation of the company according to, Interest rate shall not lawful, Operation cost is far higher than other financial institution, the supervisor should not legal, regulatory system to lack of. 直接导致小额贷款公司的放贷权利无立法根据;利率规定不合法;运营成本远高于其他金融机构,监管主体不合法,监管体系缺失等问题。